There are Badges and Achievements that you can gain on Infinite Broadcasting. Some are gained automatically and some require steps to be completed. As you gain these badges and achievements, you will also gain Rubies; The amount of rubies earned are shown on the diagrams.
A. Honor Badges and Achievements
The Honorary Badges/Achievements, also known as Crystal achievements, are the highest badges or achievements a user can earn. They both still function as regular badges and achievements as in the badges are non permanent and the achievements are permanent. These badges can be applied for once a user has the requirements (Besides Verified, which can be applied for anytime).

B. Prestige Badges and Achievements
The Prestige Badges/Achievements, also known as Onyx achievements, are the second highest badges or achievements a user can earn. They both still function as regular badges and achievements as in the badges are non permanent and the achievements are permanent.

C. Badges
Badges are different than Achievements as they are not permanent; you will gain and lose badges depending on your activity on the website.
Personal Membership badges: Once you sign up on the website and Purchase a Membership, you will automatically gain the respective badge. When you change memberships or the membership expires, you will lose or gain the respective badge. You can read more about the Memberships Here.
SDG Badges: Once you join a Specific Discussion Group (SDG), you will gain the respective badge for that SDG which will allow you into the Group and respective forum. If you leave a group, you will lose the badge. Read more about SDGs Here.
Note that this tier list does not include the Honorary Crystal or Prestige Onyx Badges.

D. Achievements
Achievements are earned when the user does specific tasks on the website and in the community. Once you gain an achievement, it is permanent on your profile. Note that Achievements ARE a badge when listed on your profile.
There are ten tiers of achievements:
These are listed highest to lowest, the same way that they are listed on your profile. Note that this tier list does not include the Honorary Crystal or Prestige Onyx Achievements, which would be above Obsidian.
There are also Specific Series for the Achievements. They are listed below in order how they would appear on your profile. If you want to read about each Achievement individually, feel free to click any of the series names. Also, once a user completes a series, they will receive bonus rubies to their profile.

3. Time Series

4. Other Series

If you are ever unsure about a Badge or Achievement, or if you feel that you are missing any, feel free to Contact Us so we can assist you. Please allow 24-48 hours for all Badges and Rubies to post.
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