We want to help all of those streamers, artists, and music artists who have featured shows, streams, messages, artwork, and songs that they want to share. The Infinite Spotlight is unlocked for All Members [with a membership] to view, however, only paid memberships [Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum] will have access of the benefits. (See Memberships here). Note that Gold and Platinum members have the same access to the Infinite Spotlight as Silver, but have extra perks. Any user can post songs on the playlist or pictures in the Gallery, but only those with the Infinite Spotlight will receive the benefits below.
When you unlock the access, you will receive the following:
For Streamers:
Iron- A three (3) day promotion
Bronze- A seven (7) day promotion
Silver- A ten (10) day promotion
Gold- A fourteen (14) day promotion, Header Banner, and Stream/Show to be shared on the Community Calendar
Platinum- A fourteen (14) day promotion, Header Banner, Stream/Show to be shared on the Community Calendar, and email blast to the Infinite Broadcasting Community
For Musicians:
Iron- One (1) song to be added to the Featured Playlist and a three (3) day promotion
Bronze- One (1) song to be added to the Featured Playlist and a seven (7) day promotion
Silver- One (1) song to be added to the Featured Playlist, a ten (10) day promotion, and playlist priority (to be added to the top of the Featured Playlist)
Gold- One (1) song to be added to the Featured Playlist, a fourteen (14) day promotion, playlist priority, a header banner (on the Spotlight Playlists page), and your song added to a Soundcloud Playlist
Gold- One (1) song to be added to the Featured Playlist, a fourteen (14) day promotion, playlist priority, a header banner, your song added to our Soundcloud Playlist, and an Email Blast to the Infinite Broadcasting Community
For Artists:
Iron- One (1) picture to be added to the Featured Gallery and a three (3) day promotion
Bronze- One (1) picture to be added to the Featured Gallery and a seven (7) day promotion
Silver- One (1) picture to be added to the Featured Gallery, a ten (10) day promotion, and gallery priority (to be added to the front of the Featured Gallery)
Gold- One (1) picture to be added to the Featured Gallery, a fourteen (14) day promotion, gallery priority, a header banner (on the Spotlight Gallery page), and your art added to our Instagram page
Platinum- One (1) picture to be added to the Featured Gallery, a fourteen (14) day promotion, gallery priority, a header banner, your art added to our Instagram page, and an Email Blast to the Infinite Broadcasting Community
Users of the Week/Month
There will be three users chosen as the Featured Users of the Week, who will be featured in a video update, and this takes place over four weeks. The top twelve users will then be voted on again and the number one user will be chosen as the Featured User of the Month. All contests will take place on the Infinite Spotlight Contest Page. The top three songs of the week in the Playlists will be moved to the Popular Playlist as well as the top three liked pieces of art will be moved to the Popular Gallery. All of this will take place in the Community Section pages, Spotlight Music/Spotlight Gallery, and the Infinite Spotlight Page. All Platinum Members will receive a Header Banner on the main header of the website.
To sign up, go to MEMBERS > INFINITE SPOTLIGHT. Click the button to apply and fill out the form. You will receive an email from us in regards to the Infinite Spotlight. If you are not able to get back to us regarding the information for the promo, we are not responsible and you will lose out on this benefit of your membership or purchase. Note that you must have a paid membership to have your content promoted with the Infinite Spotlight, however, any user can share their music or art for free.
Note- Infinite Spotlight will only last during the duration of a user's membership. Only 100 songs will be added to a single playlist. Only 100 pictures will be added to a Gallery. The amount [of songs and pictures] will increase depending on the activeness and amount of users. Each Category will have their Header Banner shown on their page (i.e. Streamer Page). Gold Members will have their banner for two (2) days while Platinum Members will have their banner for five (5) days to announce the new music in the playlist.
Contact Us if you need further assistance.
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